
When we hear the word relationship.. what comes to our mind ? People who are near and dear to you ? or your loved ones ? or a person who is most dear to you ? ! well .. all of this is true .. A relationship is possible only when the feelings of trust and caring between the people involved is mutual it a relationship between parent and son or a relationship between two friends or a relationship between a boy and a girl .. in modern usage the word relationship itself has come to be known only as one between two people who love each other .. but it is wrong .. because when ever two people care for each other and trust each other there is a good relationship between them .. but at the same time .. every relationship needs to be consistent as the saying goes " Man's mind is like a monkey " hence .. it keeps on going from one to another .. and if this happens in a relationship it can be worse than death as there is nothing so base in the world than leaving a person who trusted you and cared for you be it your friend or your lover or even your parents( this is for the people who send their parents to an old age home after they age ) .. hence , people must never leave the ones who care for them and trust them what ever happens ..then life is a happiness .. ...!

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